This ministry is designed to reach out to members of the Lees Summit community. This is done by connections with the Lees Summit school district, where we find out about needs that families have and are able to meet those needs on either an individual basis, or by gathering donations of various types of items (laundry soap, clothes, hygiene items etc.) that are then used by the school to support families of kids in the school district as needs are identified.
Needs for this ministry are announced either by the member email chain, the bulletins, or both.
Cash donations to the church may be earmarked for the Blue River Kids Cause, or you can click on the link below to contribute to this cause. Please be sure to select "Blue River Kids Cause" in the drop down menu when contributing online.
This ministry is led by Debbie Eldridge and Karen Banks.
If you are interested in giving back or learning more about our program, please click on the link below to contact us.